Introduction and History

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Introduction and Rev. Bookburn History

Rev. Bookburn's show, The Reverend Is In, was originally on Radio Volta in Philadelphia. That was before podcast was even a word. It was online, uncensored and had many ingredients. The show provided an abundance of music, film info, humor, politics, activism, theocracy updates, pro-choice advocacy, weed celebrations, as well as adult content. Everything was provided for free.

This is the real Reverend Bookburn site. It is not to be confused with a fake site bearing my name that is run by an unhinged psychostalker.

We are survivors! We survived tragedies, health crises, survival issues, threats, sabotage, and most recently, censorship. Since our farewell show, we attempted to keep the spirit of the show alive through the blog. The blog was hosted by Google / Blogger and became another example of their ridiculous censorship.

The Rev. Bookburn character first emerged as satire and entertainment for the South Jersey Clinic Defense Coalition (Co-Founded by the late Kathy Ruben), as well as pro-choice clinic defenders in Northeast Philadelphia and elsewhere. Later, Rev. Bookburn did stand-up comedy and was a guest on Radio Mutiny - a pirate radio station in Philadelphia.

Veterans of Radio Mutiny formed the core of the Philadelphia Independent Media Center (IMC). IMC began during The Battle of Seattle in 1999. As computers and the internet became more relevant, it was logical to create an alternative to the falsehoods of the corporate media. In Seattle, protests and direct actions were planned in opposition to a gathering of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Protests against corporate globalization organizations like the WTO were usually small. Media coverage was typically scant or non-existent. When there was coverage, it was full of falsehoods. In Seattle, there were two very positive changes. The use of technology for organizing was new and effective. Tens of thousands participated in the anti-WTO protests and direct actions. Additionally, the abundance of misinformation from the corporate media was countered. The IMC in Seattle was followed worldwide by huge numbers of people. A new age was upon us.

In DC, there were similar actions and a local IMC, in response to a corporate globalization gathering in 2000. Since it was an election year, both major political parties were due to have conventions.

In Philadelphia, the 2000 Republican Convention was planned. An IMC was formed, mostly to cover the protests. Similar to Seattle and DC, the IMC was utilized by large numbers worldwide. The many lies of the local media were countered. The energy and amazement of that week of actions and IMC coverage led to the idea to create a permanent project.

Philly IMC evolved into Radio Volta. Rev. Bookburn's show began in January, 2001. All shows had a title. The first show was during Martin Luther King weekend, dedicated to the recently passed Flo Kennedy, and the theme was Stop Racism.

My first live guest was birth control and abortion rights pioneer Bill Baird. Many guests followed, including musicians. With limited means and equipment, our Producer, the late Marlon Solar, worked his magic. He set up the best possible sound for live music. Thanks to Marlon, Bookburners got to share in the experience when cast members from the Peek-A-Boo Revue gave and received spankings. Sadly, Marlon passed in 2005. He was an amazing Producer and friend.

The Reverend Is In show was also relay broadcasted by Infidel Guy. That led to the connection to more key characters, including people who recorded the shows. The most significant was Pastor Rex Cat. He preserved most of the shows, uploaded them at Radio 4 All, and further contributed in numerous ways. On the shows at Radio 4 All, he added the bonus tracks. Those shows remain available for free.

A vital component of the show was the Bookburners. The hardcores provided great feedback and ideas. They truly made the continuation of the show worthwhile. When I felt like interest in the show was decreasing, I would hear from new people, even those from other countries, including Canada, Italy and Lebanon.

In addition to the hardcores/ Bookburners, we were fortunate to get support and security when necessary. The show triggered hatred and threats, mostly after masturbation-themed shows, as well as our calls for the right to obtain late-term abortions. White supremacists also hated the show and issued threats in 2002. We refused to cancel the show, so Radio Volta was protected by Anti-Racist Action. Our response was to do a tribute show for them, as well as consistent promotion for their benefit CD.

Radio Volta eventually ended. Alum started Volta Radio. It was an ambitious project with good equipment and serious expenses. When it was no longer financially sustainable, the Rev's show had an opportunity to continue again. The final years of shows were at Lolo Radio.

The final few months of shows were done with the knowledge that the show needed to end. The demands of caregiving (humans and dogs), as well as life circumstances and health, meant it was time to plan a memorable farewell show. The plan was to continue turning people on to new ideas and entertainment, but only with the Blogspot site. That worked out well until the recent censorship, obviously.

Rev. Bookburn has actively maintained a YouTube channel. There's a Twitter (X) account that I have been locked out of. However, the content remains there. I have also been locked out of Facebook, but continue to receive birthday wishes every April.

This site is intended to keep it all going forward. It will also mean being free of worrying about censorship assholes. Posts shall continue to provide great music, links to good articles, and everything else that seems interesting. Similar to a music playlist, some things are worth repeating for a while.

Most of the 18 years of content on Blogspot has been destroyed. A handful of us has some of the old posts. There is even some older classic content that can be saved. All such posts shall be added on the Blasts From The Past page at this site.

The Party Film List was in response to a Bookburner requesting a list of hemp-friendly films. It grew much further than her list and has been expanded again prior to the launch of this site. It also includes the best of documentaries, and underground classics.

The Self-Liberation Pledge was part of my show with some of the guests. It began when writer Lara Riscol was the guest, advocating for the rights of sex workers and adult entertainers. The pledge ended with a song, usually Orgasm Addict by the Buzzcocks.

Some of our old graphics and memes were destroyed by the censors. However, many can be saved and provided at this site.

To all Bookburners: Thank you and love.

To the censors, psychos, bigots, anti-choice goons and MAGAts: eat the lint from Trump's naval!

-- Rev. Bookburn, MSW

Rev. Bookburn's shows - free:

Farewell Show - 2.12.16:

Rev. Bookburn's YouTube channel:

YouTube Playlist:

Rev. Bookburn's Twitter (@RevBookburn):

Humorous and factual responses to the psychostalker and fake page: Nancy Mergatroyd

One of the earliest responses to the psycho: A Future Lifetime Channel Special?

Rev. Bookburn's Living Will

Vinyl and other goodies from Rev Bookburn and Agent 45: