Dating Lauren Boebert - the banned post!

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Dating Lauren Boebert - the banned post!

[posted on Blogspot September 25, 2023; censored September 27, 2023]

[note: both disclaimers were in the post]

Rev. Bookburn - The Reverend Is In show
Producer of Golden Shower in Trump Tower
Manager of the band Falwell's Poolboy

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Dating Lauren Boebert


Note to Trumpers: parody means humor, not something presented as news.

My mind has been spinning wildly since learning about Lauren Boebert's vape / grope scandal. I never condone any kind of slut-shaming, even against a moralizing hypocrite in Congress (who advocates repressive laws), but having fun with it is irresistible. Therefore, I decided to share a recent dream of mine involving a date with Bobo.

My dream actually evolved into a full action-packed weekend. It began with Bobo and I consuming cannabis edibles. Our first stop was at a theater. I placed the large bucket of popcorn on my lap. I was pleased to learn that Bobo likes the taste of butter and salt. Interestingly, she wanted to go to target practice for the next stop.

At the firing range, Bobo was greeted by name and presented with her targets of choice. The targets included members of both major parties in Congress, several neighbors, climate scientists and Stormy Daniels. After the range, we stopped at an ATM machine. Both of us were in the mood for exhibitionism and made our next scene at the ATM. Police responded to a call from the security company. Bobo stated that the body parts that were seen on camera were actually Marjorie Taylor-Greene's, who used the machine before we did.

As we walked to the club that was hosting Karaoke Night, Bobo noticed that we were passing a medical facility that provided vaccines. Bobo threw rocks through the windows. I knew she was going to be ready for some heartfelt singing. We sang a few songs while laughing. Our final selection was the best. We sang Jimmy Buffet's If I'm Gonna Eat Somebody (It Might As Well Be You), from the FernGully film. This is recommended for karaoke dates.

We went to see live bands and thrash around the mosh pit. I liked how animalistic Bobo became while riding on my shoulders. However, there were serious scratch marks left on my face. It was intensely fun. Our next stop was at her friend's drag club. I was nervous about Bobo's potential reaction when we encountered her look-alike. However, it was unnecessary to be concerned. They embraced and heavily kissed.

Our next stop was in Bobo's kitchen. She wanted to contribute a cake for a meeting of Women For Family Values. We made the cake in the shape of a fetus. It was a smash at the meeting!

Our final stop was at a nearby campus art studio. We were volunteer test subjects for edible body painting. Both of us resembled tie-dyed clothing, but we smeared the paint while rolling around and becoming animalistic. The artists loved the action photographs.

Note to Trumper types: for the last time, this was meant to be humorous, not a presentation of news.


Tommy Bong won the old contest of naming a long lost film. I offered many rewards while still broadcasting my show. This challenge stumped every film expert I ever communicated with, including the collectors of the best underground selections. Admittedly, I gave everyone little to go on.

The film was seen at a party long ago. It was a party that was permanently unforgettable. Everyone present was totally cool. No hustlas, con artists, etc. People were in various states of consciousness. Psychedelic music was played in abundance and amazingly good weed was supplied.

While the music played, the television was silently on for visual stimulation. Eventually, the film being shown took over the party. The music stopped and everyone was absorbed by the film. There was much uncontrollable laughter and some light screaming.

In the days of my show, I tried to find someone who could provide the title. Recently, Tommy Bong named the film. He won a jackpot of rare films, music and underground comics.

Hammerhead was made in 1968 and seemed to be intended to emulate James Bond films. Whether they were serious or deliberately zany is anybody's guess. The film included cast members of Help, Magical Mystery Tour, Magic Christian, The Prisoner, etc. It is currently being shown on Tubi, but that may not last for a significant amount of time. There are also copies on DVD. Fair warning: viewers may experience excessive laughter.

Important: the views expressed by an unhinged psychostalker on a fake site that bears my name are gross misrepresentations of Rev. Bookburn.

Some Goodies:

Classic goodies: