Disinfo and Fantasies

Email the Reverend at revbookburn@sjcdc.org

Home Intro Film List R.I.P. Censored Blasts from the Past

Rev. Bookburn - The Reverend Is In show
Producer of Golden Shower in Trump Tower
Manager of the band Falwell's Poolboy

Rev's email: revbookburn@sjcdc.org
Rev. Bookburn shows

Classic Playlists

Rev. Bookburn's response to the psycho & fake page:

Flashbacks - highlighted past classic shows for this posting:

Disinfo and Fantasies


Note to Trumpers: parody means humor, not something presented as news.

Important: the views expressed by an unhinged psychostalker on a fake site that bears my name are gross misrepresentations of Rev. Bookburn.

Some Goodies:

Classic goodies: