Trump's Prison Proctologist

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Producer of Golden Shower in Trump Tower
Manager of the band Falwell's Poolboy

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Rev. Bookburn shows

Trump's Prison Proctologist


Note to Trumpers: parody means humor, not something presented as news.

As we witness the coronation of the grotesque Donald Adolf Trump, it is time to visualize real accountability for his crimes. His running mate, JD Vance, is also a dangerous asshole. With people like these running loose, it merits the question: why not free the majority of psychiatric patients and prisoners, who are small-timers?

We continue to dare to imagine justice. Melania is not alone in hoping to see her husband in an orange prison outfit. Such a vision is not only justifed, it's funny.

A camera crew was permitted to film Trump's visit with the prison Proctologist. We will always treasure this video.

Upon arrival, Trump demanded that Dr. Mudbath schedule the requested golden baptism for his face and hair. The doctor informed him that a prior authorization would need to be approved before the prison barber could grant his request.

The doctor proceeded to explore Trump's rectal opening. Some of his findings shocked the camera crew:

Pages from the Trump Bible, the original draft for Project 2525, beads from Stormy Daniels, lipstick from Lindsay Graham & Rudy Giuliani, a bullet from MT Greene, a golf ball from Kid Schlock, a balloon from the Republican Convention, gravy-soaked mustache whiskers from Hulk Hogan, a cigar, the cover of Taylor Swift's Tour Book and a perfect replica of the Supreme Court's gavel.

We are negotiating with the camera crew for the public release of this classic. Hopefully, this video will be a great fundraiser for the people most harmed by Trump's madness.

Project 2025, if allowed, will cement America as a rightwing authoritarian state

Sanuel Sharpe Shooting: Ohio Cops in Wisconsin for RNC Kill Unhoused Black Veteran

Dean Tuckerman

RIP Dean Tuckerman. Dean was an activist and paralegal from Philadelphia, who relocated to Bellingham, Washington. He was active in Philly YIP, Rock Against Racism, Disabled In Action, several LGBTQ+ rights organizations, and Co-Organizer of the first-ever Philly Smoke-In. He turned our circle on to the Yippies, Tom Robinson Band, Emma Goldman's books, and Wooden Shoe Books and Records in Philadelphia.

I last saw Dean at the protests outside the 2000 Republican Convention in Philly. Our last communication was a birthday exchange during the facebook years. Dean was a great person and dedicated voice for change. RIP friend.

RIP Dean Tuckerman

Rev. Bookburn Update

I sincerely appreciate the feedback for Rev. Bookburn Censored, as well as the relaunch of The Real Reverend Bookburn Site (February 2024). We wanted this new post to correspond with the end of the Republican Convention. Posting monthly seems like overkill. The next post will be close to Inauguration Day. We will respond no matter how the election goes.

In response to a question regarding Rev. Booburn history: I was not influenced by radio "shock jocks" or screaming comedians of that time. My view was that targeting homeless, people with AIDS, disabled and other already abused people was totally lame. The Rev chose to lampoon the kingpins of church and state.

Thank you Mr. Scott, Leelawalla, Zvi, Anita and Kelsey

There is added content at Blasts From The Past and my YouTube Channel (see Playlists).

Rev. Booknurn's YouTube Channel
