Tribute to Jeff Beck

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Tribute to Jeff Beck

On January 10, 2023, the world lost Geoffrey Arnold Beck, AKA Jeff Beck, a legendary guitarist and person. Beck died of bacterial meningitis at age 78.

Jeff Beck was widely seen as one of the greatest guitarists in rock history. His early collaborations included work with Screaming Lord Sutch. Beck's first break in the mid-60s was when he joined The Yardbirds, as recommended by Jimmy Page.

After Beck left The Yardbirds, he formed The Jeff Beck Group. During that time, Beck had performed with Rod Stewart, Ronnie Wood, Nicky Hopkins and Aynsley Dunbar. His albums Truth and Beck-Ola were iconic.

After JBG, Beck was in demand. Pink Floyd wanted him to replace Syd Barrett. The Rolling Stones sought Beck as a replacement for Brian Jones. He performed with David Bowie. Other collaboratiors included Stanley Clark, Jan Hammer, Roger Waters, Metallica, Ozzy and Flea.

For a brief time, Beck, Bogart & Appice was a powerful band after the latter two left Cactus. In the mid-70s, Beck released the mind-blowing Blow By Blow album. This release had been described as the origin of modern jazz fusion.

Beck was a participant in the Amnesty International benefit concerts during the 80s. He also had a history of film soundtracks and was referenced in Frank Zappa's 200 Motels. Beck actually performed in Twins.

In later years, Beck collaberated with Jon Bon Jovi on Blaze of Glory, as well as Red Shoes by Kate Bush. He also performed a cover of John Lennon's Isolation. Beck performed live shows until the end. The iconic guitarist, who cited Les Paul as his first influence, left an incredible body of recordings and live shows. RIP.

Dom Boobert


Dom Boobert decided that Kevin McCarthy deserved a more severe session this time (see above cartoon). McCarthy felt the whip between every sentence that followed:

Dom Boobert: You slithering pathetic worm! You will completely submit to our whole agenda! We want to end all voting rights protections! We want even more gerrymandering and redistricting! We want an end to all birth control and abortion! We want no more coddling of gay and trans people! We want racial history out of schools! We want an all-out attack on labor unions! We want to end all climate action that upsets our donors! We want to end Social Security/ Medicare/ Medicaid! We want no separation between church and state! We want to end adult sexual freedom and all adult entertainment! We want to honor George Santos for teaching Jeff Beck how to play his guitar! We want to make bookburning great again! We will give the NRA whatever it wants! We want to protect God's spokemodel Trump and the January 6 coup guys [shouting towards the next room: honey- should I call them coup guys?]! We want you to help us ban and censor everything we don't like! We want marijuana to be criminalized nationwide again! We want you to resign if any of us get upset with you! Do you hear me, worm?

* Bookburners - have a great new year. We survived all the big stuff, including medical crises. The world of psychostalkers and fake page operators were a minor itch. In a funny way, it is a compliment to be mimicked by a disturbed parasite.

Happy New Year!

Important: the views expressed by an unhinged psychostalker on a fake site that bears my name are gross misrepresentations of Rev. Bookburn.

Some Goodies:

Classic goodies: